
B- Fit Seapower V+ ( Pack of 60 veg capsules)

369.00 349.00

Considered as a Sanjeevani from the Sea, is 100% natural, contains pure seaweed 500 mg, providing you the necessary vitamins.

Seapower nurses the complete glandular system, containing 60 essential macro and micro minerals, 12 vitamins and 21 amino acids. Seapower is thus known – for its fantastic role in body metabolism, as Cardio-Tonic, for its role in Nervous Disorders, for protecting from infection, for protecting from Radiation and Pollution, for protecting from Anemia, for preventing hair loss, reducing obesity, reducing cholesterol.

 Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice a day with water after meals or as directed by the physician.




 Considered as a Sanjeevani from the Sea, is 100% natural, providing you the necessary vitamins. This seaweed grows in north Atlantic shoreline, at a depth of 3000 feet on rocky bed of the sea. It is harvested off the cold, clean coast of Nova Scotia, Canada and processed under rigorous quality control. The whole plant is dried and powdered at low temperature to keep the vitamins intact. This seaweed contains in natural form, 21 amino acids, vitamin A, D, K, B-6, B-12, and many vital minerals essential for our body.

Seapower – An Iodine and multi mineral-Supplement: The Japanese consume between 5 and 7.5 grams of this Seaweed per capita per day. It is used by them in almost every meal. The most common Japanese food noodles, is made from seapower. Seapower is rich source of Iodine, which is used in the treatment of goiter and other thyroid deficiency conditions through its effect on metabolism.

Seapower – The Wonder skincare: Seapower has Slicon that keeps the skin free from wrinkling and Sagging. Silicon in Seapower also strengthens the Hair-roots thus preventing the Hair fall. Seapower has calcium & Sulphur that keeps teeth, bones & finger nails healthy.

Seapower– Use in the female organs: It will tone up a weak uterus and help produce a healthier baby, as the balanced minerals will be supplied fully with the use of seapower. Some women who had lost babies in child birth and others who had not been able to carry babies were helped by use of this herb by Dr. Powell’s prescription of Seapower Kelp to carry healthy babies full term especially when toxemia threatens during the last stages of the pregnancy. Seapower kelp being carrier of important minerals and an antiseptic can help clear up an otherwise dangerous condition. According to Gynaecologist Association in Germany by daily consuming one capsule by Pregnant & breast feeding women, can effectively reduce the chances of mental retardation and other physical deficiency in the child apart from providing sufficient Iodine and other essential Nutrients.

Canadian researchers have found algae (an extract of seaweed) to inhibit absorption of radioactive materials including strontium 90, barium, cadmium. The seaweed is primary source of algae that has considerable anti-radioactive properties.

Some of the many advantages of Seapower are:

n Seapower has effectively been used in the treatment of goiter and other thyroid deficiency conditions

nSeapower has remedial effect on reproductive Organs: – the prostate gland, Uterus, Testis & Ovaries.

nIt purifies blood. nIt cleans the arteries removing deposits from their walls thus restoring their elasticity thereby preventing cardiovascular diseases. nSeapower helps in proper Thyroid functioning thereby reducing obesity & Building stamina. nThe manganese in Seapower is beneficial for the Heart tissue. nSeapower reduces cholesterol level through inhibition of billiard salt at absorption. nSeapower is beneficial to Sensory Nerves Tissues and Membranes of brain and spinal cord because of presence of manganese. nSeapower clears toxic substances from blood responsible for nervous disorder, rheumatism, kidney troubles and headaches. nSeapower protects from many kinds of modern pollutants, toxins, including radioactive materials. nThe herb, because of antibiotic properties it protects from viral, bacterial, fungal, infections through air, water and junk food. nComputer and Cellphone have become an integral part of today’s life but exposure to electromagnetic disturbance has greatly increased for the users. Seapower has been found to offer protection from these. nThis herb relieves from anemia due to iron and copper in it.

Seapower is thus known – for its fantastic role in body metabolism, as Cardio-Tonic, for its role in Nervous Disorders, for protecting from infection, for protecting from Radiation and Pollution, for protecting from Anemia, for preventing hair loss, reducing obesity, reducing cholesterol.

 Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice a day with water after meals or as directed by the physician.


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